Making a difference for all mankind by changing lives one person at a time!

Destined For Greatness


#FromDustToDestiny! part 2

05/28/2017 14:12


 #FromDustToDestiny! Part 2  



Greeting all,


It has been about a month since I last blogged, and wanted to bring you all up to date on this past season in life. As I stated in the first blog about from dust to destiny I am so convinced that the very moment we are born we are destined to do something. I am further convinced that when our purpose on this earth is served we go to be with our Creator. I have had a very interesting life as a whole however, looking back it is all starting to make some sense. Let me clarify that by saying we will never understand how things truly work, but as life allows us to continue we can put things together, and realize that there is a path or pattern to life and our journey.

            I was so mad at God at one time in my life about the visual disability that occurred in my life starting at 8 years old. I cried many days, complained, felt sorry for myself, and expressed so many other emotions. However, today I somewhat get why things have happened in the course of my life. I have accomplished many things in my life including using every platform I have been given to encourage those who have come across my path. Additionally I have beaten all the odds of negative things spoken over me in the past.

            When I speak of destiny I am referring to the divine plan that all of us who are on this earth have been given even before our birth. Many things have occurred and will occur in life that will make no human sense but it has all been by design.  I am thoroughly convinced that when your purpose is served you go to the next place in life. As I stated in part one we do not die spiritually however, we go from life to life. This is not the easiest thing to comprehend but it is the truth. We as humans were born to physically die however according to Genesis 1:26 we were created after Gods image and likeness. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience not the other way around. So, to think otherwise is setting yourself up for failure. Many in our history have died trying to figure out an infinite God. I don’t have every answer, and will never claim to do so, but have studied, lived life, and asked God plenty of questions to come to the conclusions I have come up with. Not that He has answered all of them, but He has answered them over the years through many different ways.         

                         As it pertains to destiny and us being designed to and for a specific purpose I wanted to encourage all who read with this testimony. The past 6-7 years are really unexplainable to the average person however, if you know me and my family you will get that we have had very strange things happen.  Things so strange that you would think that we have made them up. We have had many spiritual phenomenons if you will that would make the hair on your neck rise. I am not over exaggerating at all with this. We have had many things said about us and attacks against us over the years. I have been accused of some of the most heinous stuff you could imagine. We have as a family been falsely accused, we have been character assassinated, physically attacked, and so much more. I say this to say that when it is all said and done we have over-come. God has remained faithful even when we have not or did not. I am writing today having been through so much over the past 6 years but am so grateful for what I have learned on the other side of life’s lessons. I have been used in so many ways including pioneering a program that had no African American educators or coaches at all, but they are now well represented. This was just revealed to me over the weekend. I realized that I was not supposed to remain at a place I was being used to trail blaze. This was a part of my call and destiny. I have been hired in more positions in my new place of employment than in any previous jobs I have had. I have more influence, and have been given freedoms that I have not experienced in many years. Finally I am now being celebrated not tolerated which highlights what I can do for the programs I am involved with, and not be limited by small minded people.  

            If anyone reading today is dealing with understanding why life goes the way that it does I want to encourage you in this blog with the following;  

1.     Life has purpose and is on purpose.

2.     God has a plan and purpose for our lives even when it does not make sense.

3.     We are born with a divine destiny, and we should strive to walk it out with understanding that we can only get from God.

4.     We all come from dust and to dust we will return so, when our purpose is served then we go on to our life with God our creator.

5.     Never question your path as it will always explain itself if we are open to know how it works.

6.     Always be open to the obstacles in life as they always lead to a better place, and we are much better after we face such obstacles.

As with any of my blogs I hope this helps to bring some absolution to you the reader. I also hope this answers some questions that one may have concerning life and its many mysterious occurrences’. Finally as I stated earlier we will never have all the answers but we learn more and ore as we live.

As a final thought live each day as if it is your last. Never leave any situation regretful. Always live life without excuses, and strive to be the best you that God created you to uniquely be!          


God bless you all.